Volcy Financial Services, LLC

Financial Advisor in North Miami Beach, FL

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Life Insurance, Financial Planning, & More

360-Degree Financial Services

Volcy Financial Services, LLC is a financial advisory service in North Miami Beach, FL, specializing in life insurance, health insurance, auto insurance, and home insurance, as well as providing assistance with taxes and investments. Volcy Financial Services opened in 2007 by owner Voltaire Volcy after getting his degree in accounting at Miami Dade College.

Who better to handle your financial services than a leading company whose sole mission is to ensure our customers a secure future through our expertise in providing the best possible financial solutions. Volcy Financial Services is a highly acclaimed independent financial service company, which seeks to provide our clients with financial service products of our contracted companies.

We are highly acclaimed as a leading provider of investment products of our contracted companies. We operate domestically with a network of business affiliates and contracted companies to ensure that we provide great products and services to meet our client’s needs.

Our investment medium is designed to help our clients achieve their long-term financial goals by providing customized solutions for our highly valued customers. There is no better way to secure your future or your family’s future than through a financial firm that shares your common goals.

An income tax is a tax imposed on individuals or entities (taxpayers) in respect of the income or profits earned by them (commonly called taxable income). Income tax generally is computed as the product of a tax rate times the taxable income. Taxation rates may vary by type or characteristics of the taxpayer and the type of income.

The tax rate may increase as taxable income increases (referred to as graduated or progressive tax rates). The tax imposed on companies is usually known as corporate tax and is commonly levied at a flat rate. Individual income is often taxed at progressive rates where the tax rate applied to each additional unit of income increases (e.g. the first $10000 of income taxed at 0%, the next $10000 taxed at 1%, etc…). Most jurisdictions exempt local charitable organizations from tax. Income from investments may be taxed at different (generally lower) rates than other types of income. Credits of various sorts may be allowed that reduce tax. Some jurisdictions impose the higher of an income tax or a tax on an alternative base or measure of income.

Who better to handle your financial services than a leading company whose mission is to ensure our customers a secure future?

At Volcy Financial Services, we share a valuable concept to help our clients understand the importance of building a solid financial future through our contracted companies.

We work with you side by side on a strategy to provide regular check-up to help you reach your financial goals. Whether you are planning for your finances, education saving, retirement saving, or other financial needs, we can help you get there; one decision at a time. We offer an extensive variety of account types designed to match your unique situation.

Our Financial products include Annuities.

What is an Annuity?

An annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company. They invest money with a fixed or variable return rate; and income isn’t taxed until withdrawn from the contract, making annuity good for retirement savings.

Type of annuities

Fixed annuity:� a fixed annuity provides a guaranteed interest rate for a fixed period.

Here’s how it works: you make a check payable to one of our contracted insurance companies, and they invest it. If their investments do poorly, they will still pay you the interest rate that they promised. The interest rate you are paid will be periodically adjusted up or down, but it will never go below the guaranteed rate.

Variable annuity: combines the standard feature of most annuities with investment choices. As with most annuities, it offers tax differed growth on our earning, and a death benefit for your beneficiaries. Plus when you purchase a variable annuity, you can choose how options called subaccounts to invest in underlying portfolios that are invested in common stocks, bonds, money market, or a combination of these. The value & your annuity will increase or decrease depending on your contribution and the performance of your investment choices.

Indexed Annuity:

An indexed annuity earnest interest on the potential upward movement of the equity index. Indexed annuities also feature minimum interest rates. This rate serves as a “Safety Valve” by providing growth even when the market performs poorly. Index Annuities are a popular option for people who want some of the growth potentials of a variable annuity, but with less risk.

Immediate Annuity

With an immediate annuity, you begin receiving payment within one month or up to twelve months from your annuity purchase date, depending on when you want to start the income stream. When purchasing an immediate annuity, you can tailor it to fit your personal needs, which includes choosing a payment option and the frequency of the payment (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually)

Single-Premium Immediate Annuity

  • Issue age ranging from age 1-99 years old
  • The contribution amount starts at $5000
  • A variety of payment options to meet you and your spouse’s need

Market Value Adjusted Annuity

Market value-adjusted annuities can help you get a variety of interest rates. With these plans, you can divide your money over several different contract periods, each with its rate of interest. During each contract period, you may choose to take cash from your account when the prevailing interest rate is favorable for a withdraw. “Market Value adjusted annuities have a greater potential to provide higher interest than traditional fixed annuity”

  • Issues ages from 0-90
  • Policies start as little as $2,000
  • Flexible premium, premium addition of $1,00
  • Choice of the guarantee period
  • Condiment waiver benefit available.

Health Insurance

Did you know…

Every 26 seconds someone in the U.S. suffers from a heart attack. (American Heart Association’s Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2005)

Every 23 seconds someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with cancer. (American Cancer Society’s Cancer Facts and Figures 2005)

Every 45 seconds someone in the U.S. suffers a stroke. (American Stroke Association’s Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2005)

The risk of critical or sudden illness is a reality that no one is ever really ready to deal with, which is why obtaining an affordable protection plan that you can count on can help with the expenses that come along with unfortunate circumstances. Providing your family with the necessary financial support is important because the cost of living remains very high.

The problem: You need immediate financial help.

The expenses

  • Loss of Income
  • Child Care
  • Lifestyle Change
  • Special Medical Needs
  • Fewer Savings and Retirement
  • Insurance Deductibles
  • Co-insurance Payments
  • Money to “tide a family over”

The solution: Critical Illness protection that pays a lump sum benefit directly to you upon the first diagnosis of critical illness.

  • Cancer (if benefit requested)
  • Major Organ Transplant
  • Heart Attack
  • Total Loss of Eyesight
  • Stroke
  • Total Loss of Hearing
  • End-Stage Renal Failure

Volcy Financial Services offers two types of health insurance benefit plans that will help secure your needs:

Our health insurance products include:

  • Cancer
  • Critical Illness
  • Hospital Intensive Care
  • Hospital Accident
  • Accident Protector Plus
  • Accident
  • Hospital Income

Automobile Insurance

Accident Policy

Do you have specifically designed coverage for:

  • Accidental Death?
  • Death by Motor Vehicle?
  • Death by Travel Accident?
  • Loss of eyesight and Limbs?

Our Accident Policy gives you the full coverage listed until the policy anniversary following your 70th birthday.

We cannot cancel, restrict or refuse to renew your policy as long as you pay the premiums.

Our premium rates for the Accident Policy are guaranteed.

Liberty national Accident Policy pays:

  • $100,000 for Death by Travel Accident
  • $30,000 for Death by Motor Vehicle (Automobile & Boat)
  • $15,000 for Accidental Death
  • $10,000 for Accidental Loss of Eyesight
  • $10,000 for Loss of Two Limbs or More Limbs
  • $5,000 for Loss of One Limb

Life Insurance is a means of providing death benefit protection that can secure the financial needs of an individual’s family. It allows for the continuous financial living of those whom you leave behind. Anyone who needs to replace lost income upon a spouse’s death, anyone who requires short-term benefit protection such as debts, car payments, mortgage payments, etc., should consider life insurance. Anyone who wants to ensure their estates or business for their future generations.

Our contracted companies offer two types of Life Insurance Policies:

Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance provides permanent coverage for you and your family. If you are age 55 or under, your future insurability is protected through the option to purchase additional insurance features, such as Premium Waiver and Accidental Death Benefit.

Term Life Insurance

Term Insurance provides coverage to protect the lives of your loved ones. It provides a monthly income to reduce the financial demands such as paying off debt, paying education expenses, etc. There are three types of term life insurance policy we offer:

20 Year Renewable & Convertible Term (20RC)
10 Year Renewable & Convertible Term (10 RC)
5 Year Renewable Term

Differences you need to know about Whole Life and Term Insurance:


Whole Life

The term lasts for a set period- i.e. 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, or 20 years.

Whole Life lasts for your “whole” life.

Term insurance rates will increase

Whole life insurance rates will never increase.

Term insurance has no Cash Value.

Whole Life insurance has Cash Value, a saving that builds up inside the policy.

Term insurance has no value other than death benefits.

Whole Life insurance Cash Value can be used for a loan or to convert the policy to Paid-up insurance.

Term insurance is inexpensive.

Whole Life insurance costs more.

Term insurance cancels if you miss a payment.

Whole Life insurance could stay a force for some time even though a payment is not made.

The term is like renting a house or leasing a car.

Whole Life is like owning a house or buying a car.

Plans below $20,000:

20 – Pay Whole Life
Whole Life
Career Life Plus
5-Year Renewable Term to 100
Group Term Life
Plans $20,000 and above:

Whole Life
Unique Life Protector
Career Life Plus Term
Annual Renewable Term
Level Decreasing Term
Mortgage Decreasing Term
10-Year Renewable & Convertible Term
20-Year Renewable & Convertible Term
Group Term Life
5-Year Renewable Term to 100

Financial Advisory, Tax Assistance, & Insurance Services

Financial Services in South Florida

At Volcy Financial Services we pride ourselves on building long-term relationships and providing the highest caliber service to handle your needs from the day-to-day to the most complex. We work hard to address where you stand relative to your goals through meetings, and we provide our clients reviews and options to help keep you on track.

Our team of professionals will draw from a network of partners and specialists in areas such as mortgage loans, life & health insurance, annuities, and more to meet your needs. We strive to have the right resources working for you when you need them. Volcy Financial services take a total perspective approach to meeting our client’s goals.

Learn All About Our Team

Meet The Partners

Voltaire Volcy

CEO/ President

three steps to success

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

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